Sunday, December 14, 2008

Madison Updates

It's been all about Mommy since Wednesday, so here's a little Madison news.

Friday's tennis lesson was very cold (I mean successful). She hit 9 in a row (and beat the little boy next to her, by the way). She also practiced her backhand for the first time. I don't think she liked it too much. :-) But check out that form & follow through. Her Dad is so proud!

On Saturday Madison wrote a note to Santa on our chalkboard (it's too cute - got it at Hallmark by the way). She sounded it out herself, so I added a translation to the picture for all those of you who AREN'T kindergarten teachers (Holly, Kristy, Michele - I bet you could read it) without translation.

Oh, and we played Barbies, of course. Why does she need to ask Santa for more?! She already has no less than 30, and that is NOT an exaggeration!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't it funny how us Kindergarten teachers can read that? I love it!!