Saturday, September 26, 2009

Peyton Play Time

Weekly Update 9/26

Can you Big Baby is in Kindergarten (she had school pictures this week) and my Little Baby is 1 month old!
This week we gave Peyton her first bath. Madison was so excited! And Peyton did really well!! She even LOVED the 2nd bath when Madison used the shower on her!
Peyton is also starting to show us her likes and dislikes. Like she LOVES walking (and walking and walking) in the Snugli....
And she loves just laying around and looking. She has some favorite toy to look at. And she even started following our voices around the room. She has a new noise too. It's like a little dove's coo. I tried to get some of her babbling on video. I'll post it soon.
The weekend was all about Madison. Friday night she & Erin went to the SVHS game to cheer at half time. Peyton loved her first football game.
On Saturday, she & Hannah went to see Go, Dog, Go. Here they are with their favorite dogs from the play.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

This Week....

In Peyton news.....her umbilical cord finally fell off! And we discovered that her favorite activity is just sitting! She likes sitting in her Boppy and just looking around. Oh, and she saw her feet and hands this week. It was so cute, but I couldn't get the camera in time!
In Madison news......we had our first Family Fun Night for the year. Book Fair, Chick-Fil-A, and BINGO (we didn't stay for Bingo). We met our Girlfriends there and it was so cute.....Madison would take them here & there and introduce them to her NEW school friends.

On Saturday we had an action-packed day out. First we all went out to see Colby & Bennett play soccer. Even Peyton watched a little. :-)

Later that night (after watching Daddy play tennis), we went and FINALLY got to meet Mary Beth!! Can you believe Peyton is only 2 weeks older? And now we have 3 girls, which means the GIRLS RULE!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

What's Goin' On?

It's been a while since I gave a life update. Things are running smootly. Peyton & I are home alone now, as Daddy has gone back to work. Madison LOVES when we drop her off & pick her up from school! We went back to the doctor for a weight check. At 1 week she was 7 lbs, 6 oz. At 2 weeks she was up to 8 lbs, 7 oz!! So eating is definitely not a problem for her!! :-)

Sleeping is fun too, as you can see. We like having sleepovers with Madison (although we can't stay too long b/c Madison won't go to sleep!) Peyton loves her crib at night but she is quite a wiggle worm,just like her sister was. She wiggles out of her positioner every night!

And she is great at exercising! Her neck muscles and head control are so good! Check out the video....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life at Home

We've been home almost a week now and life is pretty sweet for the family. Peyton has been exploring her new home and things. Mommy & Daddy have been sleep deprived (but it's getting better). Madison is on CLOUD NINE! (See video below)

Here's a video about Madison & Peyton....