Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A SC Christmas

We had a great pre-Christmas weekend.....
Saturday we went to the Lights Before Christmas at the Zoo.

Why, yes, that is Madison playing in the fake snow with short-sleeves on....and roasting marshmallows when it's almost 80 degrees outside.

Sunday we were in the Blythewood Christmas parade with our dance class.
Again, yes, they ARE wearing turtlenecks and velvet and it's, again, almost 80 degrees.
But they still had a blast! Madison had a great time throwing candy to all her friends!


Holly @ Life as a Thrifter said...

Blythewood has a parade! What?!?!?! :)

Nicole said...

How could you call yourself a Blythewood resident? Your mind is on Lexington! :-)

Unknown said...

Exactly where her mind should be! :)