Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekly Update 10/25/09

We had a fun filled Hallo-weekend! Saturday started out with a trip to McBee to the pumpkin patch! Good thing we got some pictures with their cool pumpkins before the RAIN! But we still managed to have fun with the face painting and CORN MAZE! We zoomed through in about 20 minutes. :-)
On Sunday we got a trial run in our PRINCESS and the PEA costumes as we headed to Hannah & Eliza's birthday party! Check out the girls in their outfits.

Then we headed over to Lake Scare-o-Lina with everyone for even more fun! Another hay ride, some inflatables, more face paint, and more pumpkins! :-)

Later that night we somehow had the energy to carve a pumpkin! Madison chose a SCARY face this year!!
Here are our 2 pumpkins from the day. One goofy one from the party and our SCARY one.
In unrealted, but just as fun, news.....PEYTON IS 2 MONTHS OLD! And has started to really come alive with her smiles and talking! Here is a video of her sweet smiles that she gives us in the morning. I had been meaning to get her all week and kept forgetting the camera upstairs. This morning was a mild morning.
And I'll try to get her talking and smiling this week. She does the best when I drop her off and pick her up from Mrs. Teresa's house but tonight she actually had a LONG talk with Daddy at dinner.

1 comment:

Holly @ Life as a Thrifter said...

How sweet! I LOVE the pea costume!