Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Peyton had the day off today for her 6 month check up (and her sitter had the stomach bug). So Daddy took advantage of the nice weather and took her on her first Zoo Trip!! He said she liked the fish, the bears, and the birds the best. :-)

Her stats today were:
Weight: 14lbs, 6 oz (25%)
Height: 25 7/8 inches (50%)
Head: 16 inches (5%)
Ear Infections: 1 more
Antibiotics: 3rd times a charm?

So, basically we have a little peanut (not quite used to that) which is I guess why she still fits in most her 0-3 clothes! And she apparently is going to have ear problems. I thought not going to day care was supposed to cut back on things like this?! Let's hope the 3rd antibiotic does the trick....and Mommy's steroid treatment.....and Daddy's antibiotics for HIS ear infection. PHEW! How the heck Madison isn't sick yet is totally beyond me!!

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