Saturday, June 5, 2010

Starting in June

We've been a busy bunch to start out the summer.....some good, some bad. Of course it's summer, so we've been watching it rain alot. And having fun annoying our big sister inside. :-)
With summer comes ICE CREAM of course. We've become addicted to Brusters, which isn't a good thing. But did you know they have a baby cone?! It was too cute to resist! And instead of getting it all over me, I decided to just let it go. This is the result.....
Madison finished kindergarten. What?! My baby?! Mike went to watch her in her kindergarten performance on the last day. (The video of the rehearsal that I went to is below.)
Here she is with her teachers. The best in the world!! :-)

And here she is with her best guys. Daddy and Anthony, her BBFF (Best Boy Friend Forever) - although there was speculation from her friends, she insists: "OMG, Mom, We are JUST FRIENDS!" They've been friends since they were in diapers, so I believe her.

This was also Day 2 of the torture that is Hand, Foot, and Mouth for Peyton. :-( Currently we are on Day 3 and it's getting better during the day, but so far night, naps, and eating are not so great. At least it hit us NOW instead of next week when we are in Florida! Pray for a quick recovery so we can start enjoying our time off!

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