Friday, June 8, 2007


I am a web guru, but this is my first time having a Blog. Everyone else is doing it, so why not? I currently have a web site for my daughter (, but it's getting too hard to manage. Maybe this will be an easier way. Not as many pictures, but I have months of pictures that haven't made it on her site yet anyway, so what good is it doing me?!
This is us....

Aren't we cute? Well, at least she is!


Holly @ Life as a Thrifter said...

YEAH!!!! I knew you'd start one soon! WELCOME!!!

Unknown said...

Welcome, Nicole!! :) I'm one of the other Kindergarten teachers!

Nicole said...

I saw your pics of your classroom - it looks so homey (is that a word)! You girls are so creative!

Unknown said...

I consider homey a word! Thanks! :) It is SUCH a SMALL ROOM...ahhhh!!! Your little girl is absolutely PRECIOUS!

Nicole said...

Thanks! I don't know how 2 such regular people made such a beautiful girl!